What formats of MTG ( Magic the Gathering) are best for new players?

What formats of MTG ( Magic the Gathering) are best for new players?
There are so many different formats of Magic: The Gathering, each with its own unique rules and challenges. Some formats are better suited for new players than others. Here are a few of the best formats for new players:
  1. Commander: Commander is a casual format where players build decks with 100 cards, including a legendary creature called a "commander." The commander is always available to cast, and it can be used to great effect in a variety of ways. Commander is a great format for new players because it is relatively easy to learn and it is very forgiving. There are also many different ways to build a Commander deck, so you can find a deck that suits your playstyle.


2.  Jumpstart: Jumpstart is a sealed format where players build decks by combining two 20-card packs. The packs are pre-constructed and contain a variety of cards that work well together. Jumpstart is a great format for new players because it is easy to learn and it is very fast-paced. You can also play Jumpstart with just two players, which is perfect if you are just starting out.


  3. Standard: Standard is the most popular format of Magic: The Gathering. It uses cards from the most recent sets, so the metagame is constantly changing. Standard can be a bit daunting for new players, but it is a great format to learn if you want to compete at a high level.


Ultimately, the best format for you will depend on your individual preferences and playstyle. If you are not sure which format to choose, I recommend trying out a few different ones and seeing what you like best. And honestly, the most important thing is to find a playgroup that will fulfill your nerd needs and enjoy playing the game with. So make sure to check out our other article about how to find a playgroup. Hope this helps!