Attack On Titan is a franchise of colossal proportions. It’s a manga beloved by readers worldwide, and the characters and events in it are precious to so many. That’s why we’re incredibly honored and excited to welcome Attack On Titan to UniVersus with a family of exciting products.
Clash Decks are the best starting place for new players. Attack On Titan: Battle For Humanity features two different Clash Decks. Each of these 60 card, preconstructed decks are ready to play right out of the box, offering a great entry point for new players looking to begin their UniVersus journey with Attack On Titan.
Fans have two different characters to lead the charge into UniVersus with. Dish out ruthless damage with one of humanity’s most intense soldiers, Levi Ackerman. Or, command intense speed with Mikasa and her extreme combat proficiency.
For those looking for a more in-depth UniVersus experience, look forward to Attack On Titan: Battle For Humanity finding representation in our Challenger Series as well. Like Clash Decks, Challenger Series offer you a 60 card deck that’s ready to roll right away, but that’s where the similarities end. Inside this product, you can expect to find two different characters to play as, Ultra Rare cards, and a Collector’s Booster Pack containing foil or alt art cards.
Featuring Eren Yeager and Armin Arlert, Attack On Titan Challenger Series has two completely unique ways to play. Eren represents UniVersus’ first double- sided character card! Embody his aggressive spirit and attack relentlessly until it’s time to transform into the ferocious Attack Titan! Or, for a more measured approach, step into the mind of Armin and let careful thinking and a methodical strategy guide you to your victories.
Whether it be brutal assaults or careful planning, the powerful contents of this deck will let you keep moving forward in this cruel, new world.
And for the visually savvy out there, look forward to seeing each card in this deck in a gorgeous parallel foil or a jaw dropping alt art! The Collector’s Booster Pack inside each deck will contain six foil or alt art cards inside to hunt for.
Now when it comes to Booster Series, Attack On Titan is making a massive mark on UniVersus. Attack On Titan: Battle For Humanity is this world’s first Booster Series in UniVersus, and the biggest set in the game’s history! With nearly 300 unique new cards, it’s going to be a game changer in a myriad of ways.
Battle For Humanity will feature 20 new characters from the cast of Attack On Titan, now all with their own varying rarities! Look forward to seeing your favorite characters from the hit manga reflected inside UniVersus with thematic abilities and powers. Get ready for multiple transforming Titan characters to steal the show with double sided character cards!
Diehard fans can look forward to hunting for alt art versions of fan favorite characters as well. Dynamic scenery and poses make these visually stunning collector’s pieces worth the chase.
30 powerful Ultra Rare cards are scattered throughout this set. Explosive new abilities, key moments from the series, and double sided Titan cards that shift sides during play are just some of the things you can expect in Battle For Humanity’s standout cards!
An assortment of Ultra Rares will also receive the ALT treatment, emerging scarcely as Premium URs. Borderless, full art, pearl inspired styling with a Black Varnish finish make these standout cards stand outeven more.
A series of 12 different Secret Rares cap off Battle For Humanity’s base rarities. These elusive powerhouses are cards that turn the tide of battle, and look immaculate doing so. Their unique art style and the kanji that adorns them make them look like they came right off the manga pages themselves, strongly cementing their unique nature and power. Fitting to the manga’s colossal nature, Battle For Humanity’s Secret Rares will even feature the largest difficulty card in UniVersus history!
And as secret as they already are, the most fortunate of pack openers might be rewarded with ALT versions of them as well in Premium SRs. A borderless look that shows the full breadth of the art, obsidian inspired styling, and a Black Varnish finish bring out even more of these Secret Rares.
Entrenched UniVersus fans will know there’s one rarity that always stands above the rest, though. Chrome Rares make a triumphant appearance in Battle For Humanity. With 6 different types, Chrome Rares are the holy grail of UniVersus pulls. With only 100 copies of each in existence, and their unique serial number stamped on front, every single Chrome Rare is wholly unique. The monochrome art style, layered textures, and now Hajime Isayama’s own signature all work together to ensure you have one of the most coveted collector’s pieces in gaming in Chrome Rares.
All in all, Battle For Humanity brings with it some of the most exciting and dynamic UniVersus changes with it on an absolutely massive scale. Stay tuned to see more of this breathtaking set in the coming days, and get ready to live out the battle between humans and Titans inside UniVersus.
Attack On Titan: Battle For Humanity is hitting shelves August 16th, 2024, but you can preorder at your local game store now!
Talk to your LGS about signing up for Prerelease events as well, where you can get your hands on Battle For Humanity one week early, as well as play with the cards in sealed format events! In addition, every
Prerelease kit will include an Attack Titan’s Destructive Power ALT art promo!