Nagato’s training regimen rivals that of the monks of Ro-Kan. Practising all day every day with the hooked swords in addition to their other duties has given Nagato a stamina like no other. All this practice has left them with fewer completed missions than their peers however and so when Nagato sees a target attempting to escape the Shadow Crows, a rush of adrenalin gives them alacrity only Ghost can match. KKZ players are really in for a treat with Nagato. Not only does the model have some great abilities (Including more tireless… kind of) but this model answers a lot of issues they have. Out activated? Split Attack and Tireless* should even that up, you can take enemy activations using split attack without losing yours because of tireless. We tested Nagato with Tireless as a trait. First, 3 Ninjas with it is really oppressive and also we wanted Nagato to fit in a particular Rice Cost band, which Tireless would have taken the profile way out of. So you can have sort of half tireless. It's just as good but you have to have activated once to make it work. As a Bleeding Moon ninja Nagato has the option to gain Melee Boost 2, which is a great benefit (Especially since both Ki Feats cost 2) and their constant practice gives them the Kata trait. This is phenomenally powerful and rarely seen outside of Temple models. Taken together Nagato is a great melee model even with only 3 Melee Pool.